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Enhance Your Natural Beauty

with the help of our specialist providers

At WA Skin and Vein Clinic we understand the unique needs of our patients, which is why we offer a wide range of treatments and services to help you achieve the look you desire.


From advanced skin treatments to laser therapy, wrinkle relaxer, and dermal filler, we have the right procedure for you.


Our team of experienced professionals use the most advanced technology to help you look and feel your best. Visit our clinic today to learn more.


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A double chin is a common condition for both men and women, and it can have a significant impact on a person’s self confidence. Attributed to genetics, weight gain and age, if you suffer from annoying fat beneath your chin, there’s now a much easier way to banish that double chin permanently, without the need for invasive surgery.


Belkyra is a non-invasive treatment to tackle submental fullness – which we commonly refer to as a double chin. Removing the need for invasive surgical liposuction, Belkyra (known as Kybella in the United States) is a new injectable treatment with very little downtime designed to dissolve fat permanently. It’s best suited to patients with mild to moderate fat under their chin.


During the treatment a synthetic deoxycholic acid will be injected into the fatty area beneath the chin. This leads to a reduction in the fullness under the chin. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body, which helps to break down and absorb fat.


The procedure requires dozens of small injections, with each treatment last around 20-30 minutes. How many sessions you require will depend on how much fat you have under your chin. Afterwards, you may experience swelling, bruising, numbness and redness for up to a week.

Carbon Laser Peel

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At WASVC, we offer a revolutionary carbon laser peel that is designed to treat a variety of skin issues, including acne, enlarged pores, oily skin, and uneven skin tone. The carbon laser peel is a great seasonal treatment that will leave you looking glowy and refreshed. There is no downtime to this treatment, making it a great option if you have an upcoming event and want your skin looking its best. With our highly skilled team of professionals, you can trust that you are in the best hands.


Often rferred to as the 'China Doll Facial' or 'Hollywood Peel', this ultra exfoliating treatment will leave you with unimaginabley soft, smooth skin. First we prepare the skin with a deep cleanse, we paint a layer of the carbon serum over your skin, and once dry, we remove this layer and all your skin imputires with it using our Nd:YAG laser. This treatment is offered as a once a season (3-4 monthly) skin refresher, or a three treatment package to manage specific skin concerns. 

Collagen Induction Therapy

Dermapen is a popular anti-aging treatment designed to tighten, lift and rejuvenate skin. It can also be used to treat a variety of skin issues, including sagging skin, enlarged pores, loss of volume, blemishes, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and even stretch marks.


The procedure stimulates the production of collagen to transform your appearance, resulting in smoother and more youthful looking skin. Unlike traditional laser treatments, with Dermapen there is little to no downtime and it is minimally invasive.


Depending on the skin problem to be addressed, a thick anesthetic cream may need to be applied to your face prior to starting the treatment. The cream is necessary to numb the area, and will be left on for between 15-40 minutes. We then use what resembles a pen with tiny, ultra fine needles on the end of it, which is rolled over the skin to create micro punctures. When the skin starts to repair itself, this triggers the formation of new elastin and collagen. It’s skin needling, but taken to a whole new level to deliver plumper, smoother and more radiant looking skin.


The number of treatments required will depend on what Dermapen is treating. For example, for skin rejuvenation, 4-6 treatments are advised to help achieve the best possible results. Treating stretch marks will usually require between 4-8 treatments. After Dermapen treatment, your skin may appear red and irritated – much like sunburn – with possibly some mild swelling and tightness. However, these are all normal side effects and your skin should heal after a few days. 


Whether you’re looking to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your face, neck and décolletage, or wish to address issues of unsightly stretch marks and other scarring, Dermapen could be your best option.

Fat Freezing

At WASVC, we provide the latest cryolipolysis technology to help reduce stubborn fat that has been resistant to diet and exercise. Our non-surgical fat reduction treatment works by targeting the fat cells, freezing them and causing them to crystallise, while sparing other structures. These fat cells are then disposed of naturally through the body's lymphatic system.

Our treatment is comfortable and relaxing, and can be used to target the love handles, thighs, arms, hips, and belly fat. With cryolipolysis, you can finally achieve the body you've always wanted.

Dermal Fillers

As we age, the production and quality of our body’s skin gel and fibers – which hold water and give hydration and youthful volume to our skin – diminishes, which can lead to wrinkles, deep lines, sagging skin and loss of volume in lips and cheeks. Dermal fillers can be used to replicate what occurs naturally in the body. These products are made of a pure synthetic substance, and are injected into the facial area to provide a newer, fuller and more youthful appearance.


Dermal fillers are used to correct a variety of issues related to facial aging, including crow’s feet and frown lines, and to improve the appearance of aging, sagging skin by adding volume and definition by plumping up lips and cheeks and smoothing out deep creases and lines. Dermal fillers have become a popular affordable procedure to help correct the signs of aging and restoring youthful fullness, and the effects can be permanent or temporary, depending on the type of filler used.


But it’s not just age that can take a toll on our skin. Sun damage, fat loss and muscle movement are other factors that can have a negative impact on our appearance.


Here at the WA Skin and Skin Clinic we specialise in dermal fillers for filling out wrinkles and creases in the skin, and increasing the volume and definition of lips and cheeks.


From deep lines and wrinkles, to loss of volume and sagging skin, dermal fillers can help to improve the signs of aging, helping you skin to appear more youthful and supple.

Intense Pulse Light (IPL)

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is a popular non-invasive anti-aging treatment for smoother, softer, more radiant looking skin. One of the latest treatments in modern dermatology, it targets the lower layers of the skin, the dermis, but doesn’t affect the epidermis, the top layers of skin.


It can be used to address a variety of issues attributed to aging skin, including to counter the effects of sun damage, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, target pigmentation and to treat broken capillaries, rosacea (blotchy redness in the face) or skin blemishes. The procedure encourages collagen production – which naturally reduces as we get older – resulting in smooth and supple skin and a fresher, more youthful complexion.


Also known as photo rejuvenation and photo facial, IPL can also be used to remove unwanted hair and treat stretch marks and mild to moderate acne.

IPL works by using high intensity pulses of visible light to improve your skin’s appearance in problematic areas, usually on the face, neck, chest and hands. Whether you’re looking to treat sun damaged skin, erase freckles or reduce unsightly brown spots and birthmarks, it’s likely that several treatments of IPL will be required.


Fast and effective, IPL treatment is a non-invasive procedure to transform the appearance of aging and sun damaged skin. And best of all, the treatment requires no downtime. At the WA Skin and Vein Clinic, IPL treatment is carried out by our highly qualified and experienced doctors using TGA approved machinery.

Non-Surgical Face Lift

Also known as the Liquid Face Lift, the non-surgical face lift has come a popular treatment for people who wish to reduce the signs of aging without undergoing invasive surgical procedures.


Over time the loss of structural proteins like collagen and elastin occurs, and consequently our faces begin to sag and the inevitable wrinkles and lines become more obvious. We use dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxers to focus on lifting and contouring the face.


There is minimal discomfort and the procedure takes approximately an hour. The liquid face lift can be used to fight sagging skin and help reduce lines and wrinkles.


Injections will be administered to specific facial areas to address common problems like saggy skin around the mouth, bags under the eyes and jowly cheeks. Designed to provide an alternative to the traditional surgical facelift, the liquid face lift is a safer, quicker option for those wishing to turn back the clock and achieve a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Skin Rejuvenation

Known for its enhanced healing properties, platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a popular treatment for athletes, helping to heal sports related injuries. The technology has proved so popular, that it is now being used in cosmetic medicine, utilising the body’s natural healing resources to promote skin rejuvenation and anti-ageing.


A natural approach to anti-aging, we take a take a sample of your blood, which is processed to separate the platelets – which contain growth factor releasing cells – from the rest of the blood. At three to four times the normal level, the platelet rich plasma is then injected into the area to be treated. Such growth factors are needed to repair the body, and can be useful for fighting the signs of ageing too.


Once PRP is injected into the skin, the platelets are activated and they start to repair the tissue in the area of the skin at the injection entry point. By actively stimulating skin cells, this results in improved thickness and enhanced skin tone. Anti-ageing affects, such as a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles – and overall skin rejuvenation – may also be achieved, leaving your skin looking more natural and radiant.

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening
with PowerShape

A revolutionary new approach to fighting cellulite and body reshaping, the PowerShape system utilises cutting edge technology to power you into shape in next to no time. Perhaps you want to get rid of unwanted love handles, or maybe you’re desperate to fit into ‘that’ dress. This non-invasive treatment is fast and delivers long-lasting effects.


The PowerShape system can deliver dramatic, noticeable results. Now available at the WA Skin and Vein Clinic to help trim, lift and tighten facial and body areas, it combines several technologies in one treatment:


  1. Radio Frequency (RF) is used to promote the metabolic process in a localised fat area. This is achieved by heating the adipose tissue up to a depth of 5-10mm. Radio Frequency technology is extremely effective at treating cellulite and draining excess fluid from unwanted areas.

  2. Vacuum is used to increase blood circulation over the treated area. During the treatment process the vacuum suction helps deliver an even RF energy. The Vacuum function also helps massage and facilitates a lymphatic drainage providing faster results

  3. Low Level Laser (LLL) emitted at a specific light wavelength of 650nm is used to liquefy fatty tissue, processing the breakdown and reduction in size of fat cells.

  4. Ultrasound Cavitation is a proven modality that uses sound waves to selectively target fat cells and destroy them. Ultrasound operating at the proven effective frequency of 36kHz causes a build-up of pressure in the surrounding interstitial fluid, which causes the membrane walls of the fat cell to collapse. Once this cell is damaged the body easily processes the removal of the waste through the lymphatic and urinary system.

Pumpkin Peel

Pumpkins are known for being rich in nutrients like vitamin A and C, zinc and potassium which can help ward off free radicals, increase cell turnover and lead to a smoother, brighter complexion. High in vitamins A and C, zinc, potassium and beta-carotene, Pumpkins also contain natural enzymes that exfoliate and improve skin tone. So it’s no surprise that a pumpkin peel is one of the best ways to fight the signs of aging and acne both naturally and quickly.


This advanced exfoliation treatment is excellent for anti-aging and acne. A pumpkin peel targets the cell receptors responsible for activating cell turnover and stimulates growth of the base layer of the epidermis, which helps the cells progress to maturity while giving structural integrity to both the epidermis and the dermis.


A pumpkin peel has the potential to shave years off your appearance and because the treatment doesn’t require chemicals, it is especially suited to people with sensitive skin. Each session usually lasts around 60 minutes and to achieve the best results, we recommend a series of six or more weekly treatments.


The benefits of a pumpkin peel are many, ranging from improved skin hydration and refining the appearance of wrinkles to reducing existing acne and helping to prevent new lesions.

Tattoo Removal

At WASVC, we understand that tattoos are an important part of our lives, and we also understand the need to remove them when the time comes. Our laser tattoo removal technique involves targeting the ink deposits in the dermis of the skin using a specialised laser. This shatters the ink so the body can dispose of the particles through the lymphatic system. The amount of treatments depends on a number of factors which your provider will discuss with you following a consultation.

Once your suitability for tattoo removal has been established, before beginning your treatment your provider will apply a topical anaesthetic to ensure maximum comfort during the procedure. Your tattoo will be treated at a frequeny suitable to the level of ink and the colour, as well as your skin tone. Subsequent treatments will involve the same steps, however treatment intensity will increase as we try to break down remaining ink. To allow for adequate healing treatments are normally spaced by 6-8 weeks.


Outcomes of tattoo removal are highly variable and are dependent upon the type and amount of ink, the age of the tattoo, the area of the tattoo, and the healing process of the individual. With tattoo removal it is important to understand that there are risks of scarring, pigmentation changes, and a possiblilty that some of the ink may never go away completely. It is important to decide whether you would be happy with the potential outcomes of tattoo removal, as opposed to leaving the tattoo untreated.

So if you’re looking to get rid of a tattoo once and for all, come to WASVC for you consultation. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Head to our photo gallery for some before and after photos.

Thread Lift

The thread lift, also known as a non-surgical face lift, is a new approach to face lifts. This minimally-invasive procedure is designed to lift sagging areas of the face and neck, and reduce lines and wrinkles. With no incisions and no cutting – not to mention minimal downtime – a thread lift is a fraction of the cost of a traditional invasive surgical face lift.


Invasive surgery can be painful and expensive. But thanks to revolutionary new techniques, there’s now another option if you’re contemplating a face lift. Using a fine needle, anchoring sutures – they are bio-degradable and won’t need to be removed – are placed under the skin to elevate sagging tissue.


The procedure, which takes less than 60 minutes, is performed with a local anaesthetic to prevent soreness. The thread lift can be used to treat specific areas of the face – cheeks, cheekbones, eyebrows and the lower jaw, as well as the neck.

A sagging face and neck is a natural sign of aging. But now, thanks to the latest face lift techniques, you can achieve a more youthful looking appearance without the need for a full surgical face lift.

Wrinkle Relaxers

As we get older, collagen and elastin fibres start to break down in our skin, and eventually permanent lines become etched on our face by continually contracting our facial muscles. Facial wrinkles and creases caused by facial expression like smiling and frowning, as well as smoking and exposure to sun, can become more pronounced and make you look older, more tired, stressed or even anxious or angry.


Like dermal fillers, wrinkle relaxers can help to smooth out facial lines and reduce the natural signs of aging. The treatment can prevent the formation of new wrinkles, and existing wrinkles will become softened, helping to create a smooth, youthful appearance.


Wrinkle relaxers are used to create a variety of problem areas, including crow’s feet around the eyes, frown lines to the forehead and between the eyebrows, as well as lines around the eyes and mouth.

Treatment involves injecting a wrinkle relaxing protein – a natural purified protein – directly into carefully selected wrinkle producing muscles. Injectable wrinkle relaxers work by relaxing facial muscles to create smoother looking skin, reducing and even preventing further wrinkles. Wrinkle relaxers are often used in conjunction with dermal fillers.


As with other non-surgical treatments, wrinkle relaxers are quicker, safer and more affordable compared to other anti-aging procedures requiring surgery.

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